Groclake Records

A GrocLake Record is a structured collection of attributes representing various pieces of data stored in GrocLake. Each attribute consists of a name and a corresponding value, making it easy to organize, search, and display information effectively.

We have provided a comprehensive list of catalog attributes categorized for various retail categories. For each attribute, an associated Enum example are there to guide. You can access these attributes by following the respective file links provided.

For a more detailed view of each attributes, refer to the full list in the spreadsheet.

Here’s an example of a GrocLake record containing different attribute types:

  "product_name": "Fresh Organic Apples",
  "description": "Crisp and sweet organic apples, perfect for snacking or baking.",
  "image": "",
  "price": 4.99,
  "inventory": 150,
  "categories": ["Fruits", "Organic"],
  "on_sale": true

In GrocLake, a record should include only the necessary information to facilitate searching, filtering, ranking, and displaying results. Avoid including irrelevant data that doesn’t enhance the user experience or search efficiency.

Structuring GrocLake Records#

When building GrocLake records, keep the structure simple, yet meaningful. Focus on the attributes that help with searching and displaying relevant results. For example, while adding product data, include information that assists with search relevance (e.g., product names, descriptions, categories) and exclude redundant details.

Key steps for structuring records:

  1. Extract valuable data: Identify the critical attributes needed for search and display.

  2. Rework data: Remove unnecessary information, standardize formats, and add metadata.

  3. Enhance discoverability: Compute or include additional data (e.g., synonyms or tags) to improve search results.

Examples of GrocLake Record Use Cases#

If you’re creating a grocery store search engine, you can structure records like this to help users find the products they’re looking for:

  "product_name": "Whole Wheat Bread",
  "description": "Freshly baked whole wheat bread, made with natural ingredients.",
  "categories": ["Bakery", "Whole Grains"],
  "price": 2.99,
  "on_sale": false,
  "image": "",
  "inventory": 120

This record contains attributes like product_name, categories, and price, which are essential for search and display.

Attributes for Searching#

Searchable attributes in GrocLake should contain the terms users are most likely to search for, such as product names, descriptions, or categories. For example:

  • product_name: Helps users find specific products, such as "Banana."

  • categories: Allows users to search by product types, such as "Fruits" or "Vegetables."

  • description: Provides additional context for users searching with broader terms.


If a user searches for “Fresh apples”, GrocLake will look for matches in the product_name and description attributes:

  "product_name": "Fresh Organic Apples",
  "description": "Crisp and sweet organic apples, perfect for snacking or baking.",
  "categories": ["Fruits", "Organic"],
  "price": 4.99,
  "inventory": 150

This ensures search results are relevant and easy to understand.

Attributes for Displaying#

Attributes like product_name, description, price, and image are used to display search results in a user-friendly way. These attributes help provide the essential information users need at a glance.


  "product_name": "Bananas",
  "description": "Fresh ripe bananas, perfect for a healthy snack or smoothie.",
  "price": 1.29,
  "image": "",
  "inventory": 200

This record ensures users see the name, price, and image of the product in search results.

Attributes for Filtering#

To help users refine their search, use attributes like:

  • Boolean: on_sale (true/false) to show discounted items.

  • Numeric: price for filtering based on cost.

  • Lists: categories for filtering by product type.

Example of a filterable record:

  "product_name": "Organic Milk",
  "categories": ["Dairy", "Organic"],
  "price": 3.49,
  "on_sale": true,
  "inventory": 50

This record enables users to filter for organic dairy products or items on sale.

Attributes for Custom Ranking#

Custom ranking attributes improve the relevance of search results by considering business metrics like popularity, stock levels, or sales.


  "product_name": "Strawberries",
  "categories": ["Fruits"],
  "price": 5.99,
  "likes": 1024,
  "sales": 200,
  "inventory": 80

You can use the sales and likes attributes to rank popular items higher in search results.

Simplified Records for Efficiency#

When creating records for GrocLake, ensure simplicity and relevance by avoiding unnecessary complexity.

For instance, instead of this:

  "product_name": "Almond Butter",
  "description": "Smooth and creamy almond butter made from roasted almonds.",
  "details": {
    "nutritional_info": {
      "calories": 190,
      "fat": 16g,
      "protein": 7g
    "brand": "Nature's Best",
    "origin": "USA"
  "inventory": 50,
  "price": 9.99,
  "categories": ["Snacks", "Healthy"]

Use this:

  "product_name": "Almond Butter",
  "description": "Smooth and creamy almond butter made from roasted almonds.",
  "price": 9.99,
  "categories": ["Snacks", "Healthy"],
  "inventory": 50

Simplifying records enhances performance and reduces noise while still meeting search and display needs.


With GrocLake, structuring records effectively is critical to building powerful, intuitive search and recommendation systems. By including only the most valuable attributes, GrocLake ensures a fast, accurate, and user-friendly experience for any grocery or retail platform.

Last updated