Sync Your Catalog with external ecomm platforms

The catalog.send method in the Cataloglake library facilitates the integration and syncing of catalog data with external e-commerce platforms like Shopify. This method allows you to push catalog updates, such as product information, prices, or inventory, seamlessly.

paylaod = {
  "shopify_store_name": "cartesian-sample-test",
 "shopify_access_token": "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",
 "groc_item_id": ["3548221525"]
catalog_send = catalog.send(paylaod)
print("catalog_send----", catalog_send)

Example App Code

paylaod = {
 "shopify_store_name": "cartesian-sample-test",
 "shopify_access_token": "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",
 "groc_item_id": ["3548221525"]
catalog_send = catalog.send(paylaod)
print("catalog_send----", catalog_send)

# {
#     "api_action_status": "success",
#     "shopify_product_id": [
#         "gid://shopify/Product/7340319801434"
#     ]
# }

Last updated